Embrace Aging with Grace, Vitality, Resilience and a Sprinkle of Humor...

Welcome to The Empowered Elder–your blueprint for vibrant aging! Consider this your trusted companion on the journey to thriving in the golden years. Whether you’re a seasoned elder or a devoted caregiver, this blog can serve as a resource hub for practical advice, uplifting stories, and expert insights on optimizing quality of life while remaining in your home as you age. From health and wellness tips to navigating the complexities of aging gracefully, we’ve got you covered. Join in as we celebrate the strength, wisdom, and endless possibilities that come with growing older. Let’s redefine what it means to age, and empower each other to savor every moment in this extraordinary chapter. Welcome to a place where age is not a limitation but a canvas for a life well-lived!

Latest Posts

Control Your Blood Pressure Now to Remain Independent Later

I pay attention to trends and patterns.  Of course, my life is pretty much ruled by trends, patterns and algorithms. I guess that’s just the way modern medicine is. So...

Look Younger and Take Charge of Your Skincare Routine Now That You Are 40+

It’s 6 o’clock in the morning here in Maine and my dog is scratching at the bedroom door to get out which means I’m up. Daphne is finally fully house trained and I don’t...

Journaling Your Way Through the Golden Years

Admittedly, I have tried to journal a handful of times. I have bought the notebook, made the resolution, written a handful of pages, and then it always happens…one...

The Scoop on Urinary Tract Infections: Tackling Troubles Down Under

I have only ever had one urinary tract infection in my life.  I was in college.  I was busy studying for an organic chemistry exam and I did not have time for this. So I...

Breaking the Silence: Unpacking Geriatric Depression

I was speaking with one of my patients yesterday who I have known for years–we’ll call him Norm. (that is not his name of course).  He was at skilled rehab after having...

What Happened to My Face?!?

Have you ever looked in the mirror after rolling out of bed in the morning and said to yourself “What the hell happened to my face?!?”  (I know you have).  We...

Reconnect With Your Inner Dental Diva

I went to the dentist today. I go every 4 months even though a trip to the dentist is literally a childhood nightmare for me. Now don’t get me wrong, this has nothing to...

Five Technologies to Support Aging in Place

I have to admit, I was historically not the biggest supporter of new technologies.   Every time I hear about some new innovation to “make life easier,” I roll my...

Enhance Your Aging Game With These Vitamins and Supplements

So let’s talk vitamins and supplements. So many supplements are on the market today advertising health and anti-aging benefits.  Our aim in this blog however is not...